Thanks very much for stopping by my site. Hemp is an all-natural fiber with absolutely amazing uses and benefits to the globe. I personally became aware of hemp when someone mentioned that they used to make paper out of it.

I dug a little bit into the history of industrial hemp (it is totally different from the type of hemp plant you imagine when you think about cannabis). It turns out that well over 10,000 years ago, people were using the fibers for cloth. Just a few years ago I was given a beautiful hemp shirt that I still wear – and the darned thing just won’t wear out!

The plant grows very quickly, and is a truly remarkable natural recourse that could do this country a great deal of good if the powers that be would stop stigmatizing it.

For example, you undoubtedly have heard of CBD oil (cannabidiol oil). This is a wonderful oil with lots of benefits that we’ll be discussing further. But, note that CBD oil doesn’t give the “psychoactive” effects that are what one gets when smoking pot (since the “weed” that people smoke has higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol – aka THC).

Hemp is also used in making rope, clothing (as mentioned), biofuel and even food. In fact, if you haven’t tried shelled hemp seed as a snack, you might want to grab a bag – it’s nutty and delicious! It’s also an excellent source of vegan protein!

The uses for hemp are endless. So, with all that said, we look forward to bringing you features that we hope will interest you here at!