What You Need To Know About CBD Oil And It’s Uses

It seems everywhere we turn these days, everyone is talking about CBD oil. The product seems to be everywhere and in everything and is said to be a cure-all for almost all things that ail us. But what is CBD oil? Well, for one, despite the fact that it only entered the mainstream fairly recently, it’s been around for about 80 years. The oil is made from one of the components of the cannabis plant. Yes, you read that correctly. However, the product is not intended to provide a recreational high. It’s mostly used for health reasons. Wellness professionals and followers the world over are touting its benefits that are said to be numerous.

CBD is from Cannabis, so does that Mean it is Illegal?

CBD oil is perfectly legal in a number of countries including the United States and Canada. However, it is still illegal in many countries around the world. Make sure to do your research before traveling to another country to prevent possible criminal charges or other legal issues.

So What are some of its uses?

CBD oil is used in two ways; topically on the skin or orally via capsule or liquid. It is said to have positive effects on both mental and physical health. Here are just some of the ailments that benefit from this oil:

• Arthritis – The oil is highly effective in reducing pain without the use of dangerous and addictive painkillers
• Insomnia – Taking the oil close to bedtime means sleep comes quicker without the use of sleeping pills which can have serious adverse effects.
• Anxiety and depression – Many people with these disorders are turning to CBD oil for its soothing and relaxing effects on conditions that have been traditionally treated with dangerous and addictive drugs with dozens of side effects.
• Cancer – While not a cure for cancer, this oil helps cancer sufferers better manage their symptoms by helping them feel better. When a patient feels better, that can, in turn, have positive results on any disease including cancer.
• Skin conditions – psoriasis, eczema, and acne are just some of the skin conditions that highly benefit from CBD oil. For this purpose, the oil can be applied topically or taken orally to get benefits from both the inside and outside.
• Heart disease – This oil will probably not reverse severe heart disease but it will certainly help deal with the symptoms and effects of the disease on the body. Taking it as a preventative measure could help prevent heart disease from starting.
• Neurological disorders – this product is said to have very noticeable positive effects on various neurological diseases including multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.
• Severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, see less psychotic episodes with repeated use of CBD oil.
• In recent times, the oil has been used to treat substance abuse with positive results.
• Early testing suggests that CBD oil can prevent and shrink tumors.
• Continual use of the product may help reduce your risk of developing diabetes

Are there any Risks Involved?

Some people may experience minor side effects such as nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, and diarrhea. Someone with an allergy to the product may not be able to take it. Young children, pregnant women or anyone taking medications for already established illnesses should not take the oil without consulting a doctor first.

What is the Dosage and is it Addictive?

The dosage varies from patient to patient and depends on the age of the patient and what ailment is to be treated. It is best to follow a doctor’s advice as to how much to take and when and how often to take it. Monitoring may be suggested to make sure the dosage you get is doing what it is supposed to do. There is no current evidence to suggest that CBD oil is addictive. While not addictive, there are some precautions you should take. CBD oil may cause drowsiness so you may not be able to drive or do anything that requires a lot of thought after taking it.

Where can I buy it and how much will it Cost me?

If you prefer to be under the watch of a health care provider and would prefer to use a regulated product, your doctor can prescribe CBD oil for your condition. Alternatively, the oil is available for purchase in many health food stores, drug stores, and grocery stores but many of these products are not regulated. It is also possible to order it online through a number of websites that specialize in natural health products. The price for a bottle of CBD oil will depend on many things including the size of the bottle, the concentration of the product, where you buy it and whether it is a liquid or gel capsule.

People all over the world take CBD oil as an alternative treatment for many ailments. These people generally turn to the oil because they didn’t like the adverse effects that traditional drugs had on their overall health. For these people, it is better to take something that works at treating one ailment without causing other issues like some drugs to tend to do. The long-term effects of CBD oil are not harsh on the body like other medications. Many people report vast positive changes in their mental and physical health while taking this product while others have no effects. The only way to know if it will help you is to give it a try.